Who am I?

About me

Eric Shim

Hi, my name is Eric Shim.

I am a student currently enrolled in the MaCS (Math and Computer Science) program at William Lyon Mackenzie Collegiate Institute.

My hobbies include programming, reading, writing and listening to music, dancing, and playing games. I also enjoy a variety of sports such as running, biking, swimming, skiing, and skating. While I love my sports, I still enjoy programming more than anything. This website holds tutorials that I've written about the material taught in the ICS4UO course.

I am involved in a variety of extracurricular activities, both in and out of school. I play in a youth orchestra as a violist outside school, and as a french horn player in my school's wind ensemble. I was in HOSA for dental science, and I actively participate in the science club's activites. I am an avid programmer on both the school's competitive programming site, as well as during school programming competitions. I was a part of the ski team at school this year, and I do taekwondo on the side when I find time. Aside from this, I am also part of the school tech team, and I am the tech representative for both student council and arts council. I work as an assistant lifeguard, and my volunteer experience ranges from working at city festivals to an assistant teacher at summer school.

Feel free to check out my Github and my account on WLMOJ/MCPT.

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